Monday, March 13, 2017

Amazing writing samples from Room 2

We are all brave in Room 2. Here's a sample of writing showing how brave we are. Come and read the other memoirs in Room 2.

I hit the ground and tears pour out . I was struggling to get up because my legs were wrapped around my bike. I was lying on my side. I pushed up on my hands and put my legs on the frame. But it was to painful. I had no grazes which is unusual because I have with all my other crashes.

I was in so much pain I had a very bad headache, but I got my strength back and I  grabbed my bike. I put my bike back in the garage and I went inside and got an ice pack. It helped me  calm down.

By Gabe

Prickle bush crash
When I crashed into the prickle bush, my chain came off. I had heaps of blood coming down my leg. The pain was going away. I rolled onto my tummy and I lifted myself up onto my hands. I ran to Mum. She fixed my chain. I got back up and rode my bike home.
By Brody


Heading into the transition area, I slowly bring my leg over my bike. I run to my bike park. When I got there, I couldn’t find my goggles and I started to cry.

I thought that I can’t finish the race. I was crying and it was harder for me to see. I wiped my eyes so I could see properly. My Dad encouraged me. I found my goggles. I did two lengths of the pool and finished the race.

By Harry

Being brave
As soon as I hit the ground, I got pulled along by the  skateboard. I closed my eyes and clenched my legs together. I was lying on my back holding my knees together. I looked down to my foot. I just saw blood.

I thought that I couldn’t get up, but i had to. Otherwise I wouldn’t get home. I slowly rocked myself forward onto one foot. I was left all alone because my brother and sister raced off without me on the skateboard. I found a stick to help me walk back up the hill to Mum.

By Piper

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