Friday, February 28, 2014

All about me masks

We have been flat out the last couple of weeks each doing a paper mache mask for art.
We learnt how to insert photos into PowerPoint and then change the colour and effects of the photos. We also completed a brainstorm with words representing things that are important to us. We then found and photocopied these words from the dictionary.
We will layered on our photos and words all over our masks to each create a mask that represents all that is important to us.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cricket skills

Each day Room 6 play a sport and practice the skills for that particular sport. Last week we played soccer and this week we played cricket. During this time we practise our co-operation skills in the context of sport. Check out our videos to see us helping each other and playing barrel cricket.


Room 6 worked in randomly sorted groups to share how they use each of the 4's. They are respecting others and property, responsible for learning and ourselves.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ruler Art

Room 6 practised ruling lines by creating artwork. First we took a photo and drew around the outline of our face. Then we lined up our rulers and ruled the lines.

Room 6's treaty