Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reading groups completed a mini project

This week two reading groups completed a mini project around an object on our discovery table.

As part of the project they needed to make the insect or creature using materials around the classroom, do an observational drawing of the object (looking closely with a magnifying glass) and write questions or 'I wonder' statements to later answer in books and on the computer. 

 Amber's caterpillar
I wonder what caterpillars eat.
I wonder if they eat any bugs.

 Mackenzie's, Kiara's and Taane's crabs
I wonder what crabs eat.
I wonder what crabs do.
I wonder how big their nippers can get.
I wonder where they live.
 Aimee and Daisy's Red Admiral Butterfly
Why do butterflies have antennas?
Why do butterflies have 4 legs and 4 wings?
How many types of butterflies are there in the world?
Monty's Ladybird
Why is a Ladybird a beetle?
I wonder what ladybirds eat.
Where do ladybirds live?
Why are some ladybirds orange and some are red?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

We are learning to look very closely at objects around us.

We look very close and draw what we see.
We look very close and write notes about what we see.

Here are a few examples of seeds and a Praying Mantis.

After writing Mrs Allison said "I wonder how the seeds spin like Helicopters in the sky."

We all made our own creations to try and discover how the seeds spin. We found that:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Discovery Table

Thank you to the parents who have let their children bring along exciting discoveries that they have made in nature. We enjoy looking at them in class and learning new and exciting things about the world around us.

Here are a few items that we have had on our discovery table and the things that we have found out from our curiosity and wondering.

Triathlon experiences

My Triathlon experience by Monty

I zoomed past Mackenzie on my bike. At the end I got a stitch in my chest. I got past Daisy running. I smelt the smell of sausages.

My Triathlon experience by Mackenzie

I wait at the start line, the man yells out "1,2,3, go!" We run really fast, people pass me. I feel like I want to give up, but I keep going. I run faster. Then I got to the finish line.

My Triathlon experience by Finn P.K.

I ran, I ran, I ran and I ran. I wanted to stop, but I kept on running. I got on my bike. Mum ran so fast to keep up with me. I wanted to give up, but I kept on biking. Mum gave up and went back to the start. I saw the finish line. Mum came and gave me a big hug. Mum said "I am proud of you Finn. You can have a sausage."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Triathlon day

A huge thank you to Mark Elliot and the others who helped organise and make the triathlon possible. 

This week in Room 3

Check out some of the exciting things that have been happening in Room 3 this week

Click on the picture to enlarge