Tuesday, July 5, 2011

We wanted to know what shaped kite works best

 When Finn tried to fly his kite it didn’t work. When Mrs Allison held the kite it flew. This is because Mr Allison is taller than Finn. Finn’s kite flew when the wind was behind Mrs Allison. Finn’s kite worked.

Aimee and Claire’s kite flew a little bit but it broke because the kite needed to be more supported. This means that it needed to be a curved shape not scrunched together so the wind doesn’t blow it too far.This kite did not work.
It flew really well. The air went in the bag and the wind blew its tail so it looked like a tiny fish swimming in the air. Their kite worked.

Jamie and Emma's kite flew very well. The shorter the string the more tricks it did and the longer the string it went down to the ground. Their kite worked.

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