Sunday, February 27, 2011

Art work

Over the past two weeks we have been learning to paint a firework.
The skills that we have learnt are:
-Start painting from a centre point.
-Controlling our brush by making a sharp line and gradually fading out.
-Using a small amount of paint to help make our lines more controlled.

Here are a few examples



Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Today we talked about our families and friends in Christchurch

As a class we wrote our thoughts and messages to give our friends and family in Christchurch a smile.

Finn P.K. wrote

I want my mum to write a letter to Abby. It will say, I hope your place gets rebuilt soon. I will give my smile to people who are lonely.

Finn T wrote
I hope the buildings get better and your school.
 We brainstormed a list of words to show what respect is. The bigger the words the more times people said it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We are learning to sort items

In Maths we are learning to sort items into groups

We sorted our lunches the other day. Here are four different ways our class sorted them.

      We are learning to put items onto a graph. We made a graph to show where children in Room 3 live.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Room 3 is safe and tidy

In Room 3 this week we have been coming up with ideas of how we can be the best we can be. The children have come up with these suggestions.